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Longton Flyball Club was founded by Paul and Sandra Walsh with their older dog Duke and puppy Clover in October 2011 at Longton Rugby Club.
​Paul, Sandra and Duke had been in flyball for several years and decided to bring flyball to Stoke-On-Trent as there was no club based here at that time.


Flyball is a fun relay team sport for dogs and owners to participate in. The dogs jump over four hurdles and collect a ball from a purpose made mechanical box by activating it with their paws and return over the four hurdles for the next dog to run. The fastest team with all four dogs crossing the finish line without faults wins.

The club does participate in the British Flyball Association and Kennel Club flyball competitions but this is optional to all members as Paul and Sandra just want people to come have fun with their dogs.


Training runs on a Saturday morning 9am til 10:30am for open dogs and sanctioned teams and 10:30am til 12pm for starters and new members but due to competitions please get in touch if you wish to attend.



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